Dillie Keane

Dillie Keane

Show notes

Dillie Keane discusses with Ivan six things which should be better known.

Dillie Keane is a performer and songwriter best known as one third of the satirical trio, Fascinating Aïda. Of late, she has taken to blogging about ecological issues having been a doom-mongering greenie for many decades. Her ecoblog, shityoudontneed.blog, aims to persuade people to change their planet-damaging habits in an entertaining way.

Dillie has been awarded two doctorates for her contribution to the gaiety of nations. Well, the citations didn’t exactly say that, but she can’t think why else she might have got them.

And in spite of all efforts to kill it off several times, Fascinating Aïda is still going after 40 years. The indomitable trio are planning yet another tour which starts in September this year. https://www.fascinatingaida.co.uk/tour-dates/

  1. Greta Keller https://der-bussard.de/en/2021/05/15/greta-keller-the-viennese-diseuse/

  2. Hester Street https://themovieisle.com/2021/09/30/film-review-hester-street-1975/

  3. The Silver Vaults https://silvervaultslondon.com/

  4. Christine Bovill https://christinebovill.com/index.html

  5. The Wimbledon Poisoner by Nigel Williams https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/aug/27/wimbledon-poisoner-book-changed-me-suburbia

  6. André Devambez https://www.apollo-magazine.com/andre-devambez-petit-palais-paris/

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